
Discover our association

In brief 

Founded in November 2020, the GenevaConnect association aims to promote networking in Geneva in the commercial service sector and for its participants to share and learn together.

The values of the association are:

  • integrity,
  • respect,
  • sharing,
  • diversity,
  • trust,
  • and equality.

Learn more about our values…


The association organises its various activities in the form of private and public events. Private events are reserved for registered beneficiaries of GenevaConnect. Public events are open to all, subject to registration at the event.

Discussions – discuss and debate topics of your choice.

Workshops – work on your CV or build your LinkedIN profile, share your tips and get recommendations from others.

Presentations – discover an industry, a profession, someone’s success story.

Afterworks – let’s get to know each other over a drink.


Members & beneficiaries

The members of the association work to offer and improve the services offered by GenevaConnect. In 2021, the association has 5 members, 3 of which are founding members. Meet our members…

Anyone who wishes to do so can join the association as a beneficiary. Beneficiaries join for a subscription fee of 20 CHF per year. Their status as beneficiary gives them access to:

  • all the association’s events;
  • the network’s private LinkedIN groups, where professional opportunities are notably shared;
  • a diverse, local, responsive and trusted community!

Join us by clicking here!

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