Our values

GenevaConnect is committed to integrating and respecting the following values throughout all its activities.


GenevaConnect, its members and beneficiaires, must act with integrity. What we communicate, and our decisions and actions, must always be honest. We do what is ethically and morally right at all times.


All individuals taking part in GenevaConnect owe each other respect, whether in oral or textual communication. We also respect each other’s gestures and actions, even when we are not in presence of others.



GenevaConnect coult not function without the notion of sharing. Give, and you will receive. Sharing does not only include professional or material opportunities, but also advice, opinions, experiences, knowledge, etc. By actively participating in the association, you will be sharing without even noticing it. 



Trust is of paramount importance to build strong and reliable relationships. What we share at our events and discussions is part of GenevaConnect’s private sphere and can only be shared when not harming anyone involved. Trust is about believing in each other, and we encourage members and beneficiaries to discuss openly and in confidance.


At GenevaConnect, we are all equal. Whether you own 40 years of professional epxerience, or have recently started your higher education, everyone has the right to participate in the same way. There is no difference in treatment and this should also be reflected in the communication. No haughty behaviour is welcome in the association.


In the association, we are all different, and it is around our diversity that we grow together. These are the stregths of GenevaConnect, which allow us to promote rich and stimulating exchanges and to create a real added value for everyone involved. Whatever is your origin, sex, age, religion etc., the association is open to all. We reject and strongly condemn all forms of discrimination. 

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